Monday, August 16, 2010

Hause Creek ~ 1st Day

We spent the past week camping with friends and family over at Hause Creek in Eastern Washington. The weather was amazing, hot - making for some great water play. The outings were really fun making for a well rounded camping trip. The company was perfect, fun and adventurous! We had a great time!
The first day we took our time heading over, stopping along the way at various sites. We played at Alder Lake for a bit, scouted out a camp site called Big Creek and then enjoyed viewpoints along the highway as we hit the pass. After arriving we set up camp, Holly eagerly headed out to play with her friends and we settled in for the night.
Our campsite was perfect for this campground. Spacious with direct access to the river with a wonderful low area of water, perfect for the little kids playing about. Hours were spent down at the river over the whole week!
We could not have a campfire though due to a burn ban, so we made due with string up some copper light for ambiance, which really offered a nice place to hang out... as much as we all sort of missed a fire, we were equally thrilled with not managing so many children around a campfire.

It was a great week!

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