Monday, April 26, 2010

Beware of the Bull!

Friday we brought along Holly's cousin Kristina and we met up with some families from the Mom's Club at the Enumclaw Spring Fair. This was a small, country like fair with animals and bouncy houses for rides -- it was perfect! The sun was shining, the kids had a blast and it was nice to be out in the fresh air.

Holly had a great time with her close friends as they ran from bouncy house to bouncy house playing. She also tried out the trampoline experience and a mechanical bull. She was funny on the bull though -- she held on so long and well. As I was snapping photos I noticed she was starting to get really frustrated and angry looking. I asked if she was okay and she snapped back that this was HARD!!! I guess I forgot to tell her that she can fall off the bull if she wants, oops! She was desperately holding on afraid to fall until I gave her permission and then she finally let herself go... cautiously. I hadn't thought before she climbed up on the bull that she had never seen a mechanical bull before - so, she really had no idea what to expect or do. Bad Mom!

Now, before you think I am a bad mom... this bull was going super, super slow! It was safe, a big bouncy floor to fall on and really just some good ol' fashioned fun! Nothing to dangerous!

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