Blogging for me is like a simple journal or scrapbook for our family, the little side bits and pieces that get lost in my paper scrapbooking simply because the day did not come with matte finished photo to scrap. I like to sit and write a bit about our everyday adventures, tiny family moments and post a few random photos... simply because those are the moments that really make up who we are as a family.
On that note; our week as a family can be relaxing one moment and an abrupt whirl wind the next. For the most part we try to keep things pretty simple as far as 'plans' go... again, *we try*. Bryan works your traditional weekday schedule with really nice hours that make for great family time. Luckily he is not faced with odd hours or overtime. So, all general family activity takes place after dinner on week nights or is squeezed into a weekend.
I am not afraid to pass on an activity to simply keep things balanced. I am not one to constantly go day to day or overly plan our family time. When we have been full of visits, errands, activities and events --I will then pass on others when the opportunity arises. And, I am thankful that I can recognize that in our life. It is okay to say, "no thanks" and move on to future plans. So, we plan a few nights a week with an activity and then take a few off. Weekends are usually pretty fun filled with big plans, game nights, dinners or weekends away.
Weekdays are for the 'Mom & Me' moments. Being that I am stay at home mom I am lucky to fill our week with great opportunities for Holly to play, learn and grow all while watching and participating. We take in our weekly playgroup with dear friends, participate in a weekly preschool co-op and then plan a few field trips with other friends. You might find us at a local kids museum, playing at our neighborhood parks, searching the library, enjoying a kids amusement attraction or simply at a friends home playing. But, you'll most likely find us about town.
Our week at a glance... the many moments I don't scrapbook but want to remember! Thanks for sharing with me!