Or, so it seems! As most of you know a small house means really good storage and when you add a little one with 'stuff' that need seems to triple. Holly's rooms has been a work in progress for us as we are slowly figuring out the best options for storage, lighting, use, etc... Our eyes had been set on a new piece of furniture for her room and I had been scouring Craigslist for one. Come to find out our neighbor was selling the exact piece we were desiring, Thanks Jennifer! As well, we have added some better lighting to Holly's room, a new reading chair and a tad of rearranging. Here are some photos of her room now... which she loves & enjoys more than ever being in! We moved her kitchen & house stuff nearer the kitchen in general. She is also playing with all of that way more than before. It's amazing what a little moving around can do for toy rejuvination!