Saturday, January 30, 2010
Holly's First Roller Skating
Friday, January 29, 2010
Some Learning Fun
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Mixed Emotions
We talk about all the fun stuff we'll be able to do with a sibling, how to have fun with a baby, the extended time Daddy will have off for some fun and the new memories we will all create together as a family. We discuss all that will change and all that will remain for the most part, the same. And, yes -- we talk about the crying, late nights and diapers too. Over all though, she is really good about it all.
However, lately she has shared a few sad moments where she is worried that Mom & Dad won't have enough time to snuggle her as much, play as much or have the time for her. So, we have had to have some time reassuring her that life will still be good and happy. A little different, but in a good way. Her emotions of course are mixed, but calming too.
I am making sure I have some extra special time her right now since I'll be the most occupied with the baby -- where we get out and do a few things alone that are special and something she might even choose. Yesterday we went out and did some shopping for her to choose a 'birth-day' present for the baby that she'll bring to the hospital. She got to choose whatever she wanted, the wrapping paper and all. She came home and wrapped it all up and it now sits by the front door so that she won't forget to bring it when she meets her new brother or sister.
Later this week I think I am going to take her for special treat of donuts and cocoa or a walk in the park looking at nature. We have spent the afternoons snuggled over books, doing art projects and playing dolls. We'll just enjoy these last days together, creating some memories and enjoying the calmness that is now... snuggles and all!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Nursery Photos
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Playmobil - Hours Of Fun!
Holly also got a horse barn Playmobil set from Auntie Sue and Uncle Don for Christmas. She has been asking for a horse barn for a long time, inspired by Aunte Blayne's hobby of horse riding and her several barn set ups that they play with together. She is in heaven with it all too -- she loves to rein act Aunt Blayne showing her horse (pretty cute!). But, her all time favorite part of the barn... and don't laugh - the horse poop. Yes, horse poop. *sigh*
See...... horse poop! Too funny!
McDonald's Toys...
Friday, January 15, 2010
Indoor Sea Shore Fun
Face In The Water
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
To the Moon & Back
My heart grew about ten sizes this morning!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Writing & A Spacer Stick
We try not to really help her with her spelling (as in telling her what to write) but rather help her to walk through sounding out her words to come up with the spelling. We do talk about some basic rules of sounds along the way, for instance what sound t and h make together or the s and h. As she progresses she picks those up and as she is writing she will make the proper connections to her sounds and the correct spelling of those portions of the words. Other than that, her writing is based off of basic phonetic sounds for now - perfectly normal and wonderful all at the same time! I mean who cannot smile when you read a note or picture for 'Ant Soo' (Aunt Sue).
When she writes through her words are a serious run-on of letters that an unsuspecting person would have no idea what to do with. Fortunately Bryan and I have learned to work our way through her writing and not offend her when reading. To help her with this I picked up a great tip from a fellow blogger to offer a 'spacing stick' otherwise known as a Popsicle stick. It works great! As she finishes up a word she then places her spacer stick down and starts her new word on the other side - perfect! Reading is much easier for the adults in her life now!
This says: "Would yoo like to come to mi piknc To Mom an Dad"
OR, 'Would you like to come to my picnic? To Mom and Dad'
Kind of hard to read as one long word.
And, here she is writing a birthday card to her friend using a space stick - much easier to read the individual word.
"To: Gen, Happe Brthda From: Holly"
OR, "To: Gen, Happy Birthday From: Holly"
Museum Of Flight
Our astronauts in the family...